My Sisters, My Valentine.

We know that Valentine's day is celebrated as a couple's day. But this trend is changing and many swear by celebrating it with expressing our love for family, parents and friends. Ofcourse, none of us would be here without our parents. But many of us forget our brothers and sisters.
They have shared so many of the defining moments of our lives. This is my V day letter to my beautiful sisters with whom I still fight like cats and dogs.

Dear Sisters,
From the very moment I saw you in Mum's hand. I fell in love with you. I was filled with happiness, for I have become an elder. I was happy that I can boss over someone for my tiny chores like getting me a glass of water, fetching my school bag.

Now I will be the teacher when we play 'School School'.I will be your nurse when you get hurt while playing. I will be your coach when you want to learn cycle. I will be your mother when you are messy while eating. I will be your police woman and protect you when other children at the park, bully you. I will be your advocate when mum scolds who for all the mess you create in the house. I will be dad when you do not want to walk and lift you.

But many times I was also jealous of you as you got more attention, more cuddles and I was told " You are a big girl now". I also wanted Mum to feed me when I didn't like to eat, just like she did to you.Yes, I was insecure and that made me boss over you more.

But then you always protected me from mom and others. You wore my clothes, which I outgrew. You used my books as your rough notes. I got everything new and   you used pre-loved one always like they were new and with a smile. It was then I knew we were bonded for life. You are the first friend I made. You are a confidant when I cant hold on any secrets in my tummy.

Today as I sit back and reminisce our times together it fills me with love, warmth and joy. I hope you girls make it large in life, and keep making us proud as you've always did.

This Valentine's day I want to celebrate it with you two, along with my love, kids and our parents. You have completed my family and made all my growing years filled with fun, love and fights.

Dear Sisters, Happy Valentine's Day.

Love and only love,

This post is a part of the blog train that hosted by Jasmeet from Mommy voyage and Anchal from The mum story.
I would like to thank Arti for introducing me to this wonderful chain, I hope you read her thoughts link:
We moms share their Love and Relationships, in this month of Love.
Hop on this beautiful #loveblogtrain and do check another fabulous post on LOVE by  Cheni Adukia (



  1. Lively pictures n beautiful post.. sister love is special ❤❤❤

  2. Sisters are our first best friends ❤☺.

  3. I have a younger brother. But this was almost like reading my own story. My brother also used almost all of my old stuff. Clothes, toys, books etc . Yes i used to wear boyish clothes in school.

  4. Lovely picture of sisters ๐Ÿ˜ Beautiful writeup

  5. Loved your take on celebrating V day with your sisters.

  6. Very well written, I have a loving elder sister so I can completely relate to your words

  7. Sibling love is really a boon for some. They make the best support system in life if you really share everything with them. I have a sister, younger be and can relate to your article for sure.

  8. Love your words...sibling love is different and most precious๐Ÿ‘


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