Thinking skills...

As Jack Ma once said - If we do not change the way we teach, 30years down we wil be in trouble. And yes, I take this in the context of building thinking skills.
I have noticed many a times, some mothers (and fathers), in the name of parenting and guidance, spoon feed (not literally) their children in every walks of life. Guidance is important but there is a line between the sides.
Learning to think critically is one of the most important skill our children will need in future. Children must be able to much more than repeat a list of facts; they need to be critical thinkers who can make sense of information, analyze, compare, contrast, make inferences, and generate higher order thinking skills.

We can inbuild some in them right from toddlerhood:

1. Ask them open ended questions. They can be from simple to complex ones according to their age. Like:
 a. What would you like to wear today?
 b. What do you think mumma is doing?
 c. How do you think this lunch is made? What all have I added in them?  d. Do you like the activity you doing?
 e. I am interested in knowing what you think about my dress/ work.

2. Give them opportunity to play. Sometimes its best to leave them on their own. Do not set or teach them the rules. Open-ended games play a major role in this

3. Pause and wait. Do not intervene. You can keep a watch but do not literally stay pn them. Give them space. Do not jump to help if they are stuck or clueless.

4. Encourage them to think in new and different ways.  Play a board game or any game for that matter in the way they introduce. Encourage and appreciate them for their different way of plays/thought.
Stopping them would discourage building their skill.
Critical thinking often happens when children have time to practice making choices, plan their time, or create from nothing.
Will post more about the brain building basics and discover activities that help foster brain development in your infant, toddler.

Please comment below what areas would you like me to cover.

#thinkingskills #howtothink #braindevelopment #brainbuilding #buildingthoughts


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