Mama Earth - Review

Most of us are familiar with brand and this has become a household name. Mama Earth is so good for mumma's and babies that they are worth mentioning often.

Recently, I received 2 of their products and have been using them since a week;

🍃 Mama Earth Essential Body Oil:  Made from 10 different oils, like Sea buckthorn oil, almond oil, olive oil, argan oil, green tea oil and more. It makes the skin soft and supple. It works on stretching skin which means can help in reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

➡My take:
Since my marks are very older (had them during my 1st pregnancy), it will take time to lighten them. Currently I am using it as after bath body oil for moisturizing my skin. The smell of rose is quite strong ( I do not like rose fragrance). Though it has oils, it is non-sticky and easily absorbing to the skin.

 🍃 Mama Earth Easy Tummy Roll on:  This product is perfect for colicy babies. It has Hing oil, Dill seed oil, fennel oil and few others. As the name suggests, you just apply on the stomach near the navel  area and it starts working. Repeat after 20mins if the baby is still colicy.

➡ My take:  Why didn't you bring this product earlier? Wish it came when yuv was a baby. I have been applying on Baby J's stomach every night and can see he has better sleep now. Plus, since I have to only apply it externally, the mommy in me is no worried of giving him drops orally often. 👍👍 It smells more of peppermint with a dash of hing in it! brings safe products for babies and Mama and I can vouch by it.

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