Role-playing helps in early learning

You may have observed your kid pretending to be making dinner, reading newspaper, working on a laptop or talking on phone like a certain adult. Well, that's role-playing. Role-play is one of the most natural activities a preschooler can participate in, as it builds confidence, creativity communication, physical development and problem solving. Along from being a fun activity, it also helps in better understanding of real-life situations and the world. It helps in building up their confidence, Risk taking factor and prepare them to face situations in later stage of life.

It can be completely child-led and let’s child be creative in the role they are playing.
By investing in some props and equipment, it’s a fun way for the child to learn about different professions and situations.

Doctors, carpenters, painters, builders, shopkeepers, firemen, police. Give them the role pay equipment and see them building their empathy and confidence. This will help in  increasing your child’s ability to positively interact with others, giving them the responsibility to act accordingly effectively disguising learning as play!

Real Life Situations
Allow your child to act out real life situations like grocery shopping, camping or cooking. This will give them opportunity to learn about real- life environment at their own pace. It will boost up their confidence to face the situation at later stage. They also develop their mannerisms and verbal communication skills by practising what they have already learnt in real.

Seasonal Events
Events at schools like Nativity show during Christmas, Ram leela or Mahabharata shows, any skit or plays during school/annual day events. Such events plays very important role in role playing.

Role playing can be done in two ways-
Either you give them old clothes and props and let them play or you can participate in role-plays with your children and help guide them towards positive solutions to social and emotional problems.
Some points to be noted while role-playing:
Do not over direct them and let their creative juices flow.
If you playing along, then define who is playing what role/character.
Play the same Role-play 2-3 times with different results and outcomes.
Do not judge, comment or analyse while the role play is in process.

At the end of the role play, chat with your children. Ask them what it was like to play that character or person. How did it feel? What do they think about what happened? Can their be better outcome? Any different outcome?

Role-play is one primary way for children to learn key life skills that prepare them for a wider social context

Yuv loves to play with his Soul Slings doll carrier and playing mom is his favourite role play. They help him to learn to be compassionate towards their role like a mother. Yuv tries to copy me like how I kiss and cuddle J and so his does the same with his teddy. This carrier has been perfect gift for him for role playing.

You can check the variety of doll carriers from Soul - here

Buy Soul bibs here

Buy Soul Sun hats here


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