Why should Dads babywear their babies?

Babywearing has been the new parenting mantra and has been accepted widely. But still there are stigmas with babywearing associated only with mothers and they are the main babywearers. You can see many brands promote them mainly to mothers as they seem to be the right target. But this is also changing and many dads also babywears their babies. My husband who always carried Yuv (on the arms, since we did not  know about babywearing then) to me have some off time from carrying him, was quite skeptical of carrying J in a carrier. He, as many dads do, thought babywearing was a girly thing and has only girly prints. Then we got this Moonstone Gradient Anoona from Soul Slings and the first thing he said when he saw was ' let me try this'. He loved the idea of babywearing and soon became a regular.

Here are my reasons why every dad should babywear their babies:

  • Bonding 

Babywearing gets you up close and personal to your babies. It is getting closest to your baby after breastfeeding which dads cant. It is a fantastic way to bond and get physical touch of your baby. Cuddling your baby releases oxytoxin, also called love hormones, which relieves anxiety, promotes attachment and helps dad and babies connect emphatically and stay connected.

  • Cry less and settles quickly

Babies worn often cry less and sleep better, not just when worn but in night too. Nothing settles a baby faster than all cuddled up and close to you. From teething to crankiness, they calm down as soon as they see the carrier coming to them and cheer up, falling off to sleep often. The upright position of the wearing relieves baby of colic too.

  • Hands free hug

These are best hugs one can give to the baby while working, on call or doing any other work. Cuddling the baby while working can also let you sneak in some kisses and love back to you from the baby.

  • Gives Mum a break

This one is very important. We all need a break from time to time. So be the best husband you can, while your wife takes a break from her usual chores with the child. Wear the baby and do what you want. Go for a walk, take the dogs out, watch tv, whatever you want, with a contented baby wrapped around you.

  •  Sleepy Dust

All the wraps and carriers come with some sleepy Dust in it. Trust me, once the baby is in it, they doze off. Being held tight, close and warm, hearing your heartbeat, they can’t help but fall asleep. This is especially important when it’s their nap time or they are sick and need rest.

  • Convenient

Baby wearing is oh-so convenient. Just throw the baby on your back or on chest and go out of the door. No packing-unpacking the stroller, carrying the stroller up and down the strairs or elevator. And your car has much more storage too.

  • Feeding on the go

Most of the moms breastfeed their babies while wearing. But you can bottle-feed them too. So when the baby is hungry, Just take the bottle out and pop goes it to the baby.  You can shop, do your work, help in the chores while feeding, with one hand still free. And when it’s the nap time, just feed, they sleep in it and easily transfer back to the cot. No mumma needed all the time to make them sleep.

  • Get your exercise

It’s like having a free gym. Walking around with a 10-15 kg baby or toddler strapped around your chest or back, is a workout for your core muscles and back and helps with weight loss too. In a conventional workout plan, you’d start with lighter weights and slowly increase the weight over time. Guess who else does that? That’s right – your growing baby! With the right carriers the weight is spread nicely and doesn’t dig in or pull in anyway, he can be practically weightless on your back and shoulders, but it will make you break a sweat in a power walk! Start wearing your baby as a newborn and by the time he’s a toddler you’ll be stronger and leaner.

  • Be a trendsetter

When extra brownie points for being the best dad, best husband one can have. Just look stylist with the new trend of babysitting. Go out with your boys or catch with them for a match while babysitting your baby and win the Best Husband tag from your wife and her friends without missing out your boys day out.

Aren’t these reason enough for the dad’s to start babywearing your bubs and enjoy the fullest of parenting and babywearing before they grow up to no-more baby wearing phase. Always remember, the TICKS of baby wearing – Tight, In view all the time, Close enough to kiss, Keep the chin off the chest, Supported Neck and Back.

If my blog has changed your mind and you, now, want to try babywearing. Then check Soul Slings. They have amazing varieties of carriers from wrap, Ringling, Soft Structured Carriers to Onbuhimos. And yes, there are variety of prints for dad’s to be spoilt for choices.
Thank me later!


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