Why my baby cries when not held up in arms

'There is no better feeling in the world than holding your precious child'

J wants to be held up and close to me all the time. He doesn't like to be carried by anyone else too. The moment I put him down or give any other care taker to hold him, he cries his lungs out. He cries constantly for quite a long time and now its getting difficult for me to finish my chores or even step out of the house without him.
So why is that some babies would always need their parents all the time?
The soothing motion of their mother's body is what they are used to since the time they were in the womb. These babies would need/crave for their parents touch or any contact with the body like arms, breasts or held up close even in bed. Basically, any kind of constant contact. Some babies would not only want to held in arms but would also want motion. Like, rocking on the lap or constantly be walking around.

So what do you do when your baby cries when not held up?🤷
 Be patient. When your baby is held every time, she will develop the habit and cry everytime not held up. However, you need to be patient with your baby.
Put down your baby for few minutes. To break off the habit, you need to put down your baby for few minutes but stay close to avoid cries. You can put her down on a bouncing chair or playmat.
Repeat this for few times a day. But see to it, that she is well rested and happy. Gradually extend the time to leave her down.
Ask others to do the same. See that other members in the family also put her down for sometime and she gets used to being put down.
Use toys like flashing lights and toys that make noise. These can keep her occupied when you put her down.
Remember it's a phase and soon the baby will grow out of it. Learn to say no to your baby when she wants to be held all the time. Be flexible though like in a crowded or new place as its safe to be held at those places. Be positive all the time and please do not compare with other babies.

Featuring @superbottoms SuperBackpack which is so light and convenient to carry all the essentials and snacks along with my baby.
Review up soon!


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