'No screen time' made the best of Sunday

Sunday done right!!

Yuv and Papa decided we will do our boys thing and lets make something rather than watching tv. We are learning Ocean theme this month and what better to make a Submarine to dive in the world of Sea Animals.

Our Xplorabox was perfect for this activity. Yuv learnt about Submarine and how it can dive inside the ocean and let you explore the underwater world. He also learnt about the periscope used in Submarines, though in simple words.

I was quite amazed by the materials used in this activity. The periscope was actually working so well. He had fun moving his submarine all around the house and showed his Dadu how submarine periscopes work.

Xplorabox are theme based monthly subscription boxes which makes learning easythrough fun. We selected the ocean theme and love it. It has 5 different activities related to Ocean and each activity is seperated packed with all the necessary items. They provide
Age appropriate theme boxes from the age of 2 to 8 years old.

Wouldn't have been easy to teach Yuv about Submarines and other Ocean animals if not for Xplorabox .

You can find the clickable link to this amazing activity box and Subscribe the whole new adventure of learning for your Kid.

You can subscribe for these amazing boxes at their website here.

#Xplorabox #SmarterNextGeneration #LearnThroughPlay #mama_talks #mama_talks_review #chennaikids #chennaibloggersclub #chennaiblogger #chennaimommy #chennaimoms #indianmomblogger 


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