The Jungle Radio - Book Review

The Jungle Radio by Devangana Dash, is a bright colourful book. It is so eye-catching for toddlers especially.
The Jungle Book us a story about little Gul who goes on a walk in the jungle and discovers a lot of different birds and their sounds.
This book had so many birds that I, myself got to know about a few. ( I forgot what I studied 🙈)
The sounds like KREAK KREAK, TAP TAP, CHUCK CHUCK, KEE KEE has made J so keen about this book. It has so many of his Kaa-kaas (read Birds) and the sounds helps in his speech development as he repeats along with me. A perfect book when you are traching speech modulation.
Each page has a different colour than the previous and the illustrations are eye-catching and soothing. The big pictures of the birds help kids to understand and differentiate between the birds.
Whenever we read this book, we make sure we made it an action and song game as we aing and flap our hands like the wings.
Priced at ₹ 250, this is a must buy book.
Recommended for kids from 1 - 5years.
You can buy the book here.


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